Download book A Bibliography of Shaker Literature With an Introductory Study of the Writings and Publications Pertaining to Ohio Believers (1905). Introduction Perhaps the most difficult aspect of Shaker research is wading through the mass of both primary and secondary publications available. Shaker writings are fairly easily accessed but are haphazardly organized and scantily SHAKERS - OHIO Shaker Literature:a bibliography, by Mary L. Richmond. J.P. MacLean from Bibliography of Shaker Literature, 1909. Also see: Bibliography of Shaker Literature, with an introductory study of the writings and publications pertaining to Ohio believers. MacLean, J.P., Burt Franklin, New York. 1971. PAGE Introduction 9 The Kentucky Revival and its Influence on the Miami Valley The "'Life of Richard McNemar" and the "Bibliography of Shaker Literature," directly with Believers, or else consulting their standard publications. At the present writing (1903), there are in Ohio, all told, 90, in the two existing communities. Using J.P. MacLean's Bibliography of Shaker Literature, he wrote a many books, articles, and reports, including the biography of Richard McNemar, 1905. an Introductory Study of Writings and Publications Pertaining to Ohio Believers. me wherein we dove together into the world of Shaker studies. inroads into the Kentucky Bluegrass and southwestern Ohio, and Shaker societies were. Series 3: Utopian and Communal Related Literature, 1839-1979. Subseries A: The Sabbathday Lake Shakers: An Introduction to the Shaker Heritage. with an introductory study of the writings and publications pertaining to Ohio believers. Published: Columbus, O., Pub. for the author by F. J. Heer, 1905. FAMILY pertain 1383092 2 pertaining pertains children 1383454 2 Children 8 writing Writings writings writes Writing Write WRITINGS Writes their 1882472 2 believer believing believers Believer Believe BELIEVE Believers believable 0 public 2414332 13 publication Publications Public publications Publication literatur 96810 4 Literature literature literatures Literatures music 98660 12 Music 121038 0 1903 121520 0 1904 121946 0 1905 122460 0 1906 122894 0 1018920 16 Related related relation relate relations relating relates relatable believes believable Believers Believe believers Believing Believed Believer Shaker Studies and Folklore: An Overview John B. Wolford Indiana University My hope is that such an introduction to the literature might inspire future research MacLean's Shaker Bibliography (1905), with only 523 items,3 remained the standard Study of the Writings and Publications Pertaining to Ohio Believers. One of the greatest obstacles to the study of the social sci-. ences has the subject of considerable writing. It is the parent community of all the villages of United Believers west ography of Shaker Literature (Columbus, Ohio, 1905). in Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Publications (Columbus, Ohio. An epitome of the superstitions of the Highlanders of Scotland, together with a selection of books pertaining to the subject, by J. P. MacLean. The Union Village Shaker settlement was a village organized by Shakers in Turtlecreek The believers at Turtlecreek signed their first covenant in March 1810. In 1830, the Ohio bishopric ministry included Solomon King and his assistant Joshua Worley John P. MacLean, Bibliography of Shaker Literature (1905), p.16. The nearly two hundred articles about Shaker Spiritualism were obtained from three primary sources. First, Mary Richmond in her bibliography Shaker Literature The Research Libraries of The New York Public Library collect extensively on a religious movement formally known as the United Society of Believers in hold each item) is Mary L. Richmond's Shaker Literature: A Bibliography (Hanover, by excerpts from diaries, journals, and letters relating to the life of this settlement.
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